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Peurasmäki plays music for animals and empty villages. It is my dream art band, which I've been dreaming about for years. I play guitarlele and I sing, and Mikko Karjalainen plays the upright bass.

"I have had quite a huge stage fright, and I wanted to get rid of it. I thought maybe I should play for animals; they won't  judge you. I tried this first in 2016, in artist residency of Kone Foundation, in Saaren Kartano. Aberdeen Angus cattle near the residency seemed to be interested in the music.

I had this project only in my mind, until came the covid-19 times, and every show and exhibition was cancelled. I thought now is the right time to start this project again. I made the deer masks, and we started to make songs. First real gig with live audience was for Ahlman's Finncattle in Tampere, Finland. At eight in the morning. "

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